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On March 24th, Siemens Center Shanghai welcomed the delegation from Darmstadt University of Applied sciences, which was composed of two professors and 32 students

   在SRE AA的发言人拉尔夫·迪斯特勒先生为大家致上了简短的欢迎辞并就西门子有限公司为大家做了介绍后,德贝斯特CEO卢卡斯·芬克先生应邀为参观团进行讲解,就德贝斯特在中国的发展,与SRE的深入合作,以及德式物业在服务模式、操作流程和管理工具方面的先进理念,向参观团进行了声情并茂的阐释。团员们听得聚精会神,不仅记录下了密密麻麻的笔记,还在互动时间踊跃提问。

After short welcome speech about introduction of Siemens Limited China, by Mr. Ralf Distler the head of communication from SRE AA. Mr. Lukas Funk, CEO of DBEST gave a presentation for the delegation.  He presented vividly about DBEST’s development in China, its intensive cooperation with SRE, as well as the advanced concepts of “German Style Facility Management” in service mode, operation process and management tools. The delegates were very interested, and reacted very enthusiastically.

  随后,团员们对西门子上海中心园区进行了参观,实地体验西门子上海中心“绿色楼宇”、 “智能楼宇”的办公环境。

Afterwards, the delegation made a round visit in Siemens Center Shanghai, and experienced Siemens’ "green building" & "intelligent building" concepts at first hand.





All the Students were very inspired by the trip and expressed their appreciation for having the opportunity to learn not only the advanced building management ideas, but also the experiences of German company’s development in China, as well as the successful cooperation between Chinese & German enterprises.